The masterplan is driven by strong principles of shared prosperity and sustainable growth. The growth opportunities are significant for the Suðurnes region, driven in part by rising passenger numbers at Keflavík International Airport. The locational advantages are clear - a range of high-tech industries can capitalise on airport/port proximity, clean energy, vibrant living and a highly skilled workforce.
Investors are already enquiring and seeking good quality sites. By integrating with Isavia’s airport masterplan and local masterplans, we recognise the immense potential for diversifying the regional economy. There are opportunities in further developing a future-facing fishing and tourism sector in the short term, and hi-tech agriculture, bio-tech and eventually advanced aviation fuels and hydrogen in the medium to longer term.
The masterplan has strategically identified sites that promote strong synergies, partnership and circular economy concepts. The catalytic sites at the airport forecourt, Helguvík-Bergvík, Helguvík Port, Aðalgata and Ásbrú are well suited to respond to the new opportunities by supporting and complementing each other.
The masterplan therefore fully integrates the clear economic opportunities with the spatial character and developmental capacity of the area; locating the right activities – economic, environmental, infrastructure and community - in the right places and in the right combinations or clusters. This provides the basis for a plan that responds effectively to demand parameters, maximises competitive advantages and makes the best of the area’s unique spatial features.
Sustainability focus
The area will be a life-size laboratory for a practical, sensible and accessible sustainability. We want to set precedents from which other institutions can learn, in fields as diverse as air cargo, fishing industry or energy production.
Who can benefit from this opportunity?
Maximizing the potential of the existing context, the focus areas within KAA are conceived as distinctive character areas that offer complementary experiences and economic opportunities: Helguvík-Bergvík, ‘accellerating the Energy transition’, transforms into an eco industrial park The Keflavík Airport Forecourt, ‘starting the journey’, offers commercial and visitor amenities, improved car rental facilities and a public transport terminal Aðalgata, ‘connecting the municipalities’, evolves into a mixed-use cluster including R&D, community and residential programs Ásbrú, ‘lively communes’, densifies into diverse clusters, residential and manufacturing , including an urban centre and the airside area focusing on aviation activities The towns of Garður, Sandgerði and Hafnir expand with residential programs.
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