The Green Carpet

Facilitating sustainable investment projects

The government of Iceland is prioritizing sustainability. Consequently investment projects whose policy, goals and ambitions align with the government‘s ambitious climate goals and support sustainable development, will enjoy special one-stop-shop facilitation and support by Business Iceland. To support this Business Iceland enjoys support from key contacts within relevant ministries and instituions.

Business Iceland evalutes how well the projects‘ policy aligns with the criteria for sustainable economic activity as put forward in the EU taxonomy and other international policy documents.

To become part of the “Green carpet” please email and fill out the online form for sustainable investments.

Development of the Green Carpet

The project was developed by the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate which appointed a high level coordinating body with representatives from key ministries and institutions: Prime Minister's Office, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate, the National Planning Agency, Iceland Revenue and Customs, the National Energy Authority, the Icelandic Regional Development Institute, Icelandic Association of Local Authorities and Business Iceland. The coordinating body formed the network of key contacts, the request for information to evaluate how well the respective investment project‘s aims and ambitions align with the sustainability goals and climate policy.
